Are you tired?
Have you tried everything?
Do you just want to get better?
It takes courage to keep looking for answers.

Providing Field Control Therapy (FCT) and wellness consulting, with the added convenience of remote testing options for seamless accessibility.

Thank you for visiting my website.

Hi. I’m Renee.

I hope you find it meaningful and helpful. What am I about? I primarily offer Field Control Therapy (FCT).

What is that? My best breakdown: FCT is a biophysics approach (more on why this is important on the FCT page) focused on removing blocks from the body that keep it from functioning the way it was designed.

I had Lyme Disease for years. I suffered with daily fevers, night sweats, depression, palpitations, nausea, fatigue, tingling feet, the feeling of sunburned skin, etc. I sought help at two major hospital networks. Despite taking the antibiotic doxycycline all summer, the symptoms did not resolve. Only after experiencing Field Control Therapy (FCT) was I able to improve. I knew at that point I wanted to expand from my background of nursing and become a Wellness Practitioner.

What I do

Field Control Therapy (FCT)

I want to begin by acknowledging the struggle and perseverance that brought you to my site. Major kudos to you! Regardless if this approach is the path you feel led to, I want to encourage you to continue to do your research, let you know there are answers, and it’s not “all in your head”.

I’m quite aware I’m not people’s first stop. I’m more often the last. I know personally how brutal the road to wellness can be. The money wasted, the temporary improvements, even promises made by practitioners who have no right to make such claims regarding the human body. I’ve experienced all of it.

FCT is my go-to, again and again, situation after situation. I couldn’t offer this if it wasn’t so meaningful for people. That said, there is no one answer for everything. FCT will not magically make your vitamin D level increase but you will probably manage it much better than the individual not receiving FCT support. This is why I practice a holistic approach-there are often multiple pieces to the puzzle.

Wellness Coaching

Some clients aren’t ready for FCT or choose to vary their wellness approach. I do my best to meet people where they are while being honest about my thoughts as I want the best for you. Thus, I also offer wellness consulting (often called wellness coaching), Electromagnetic Field (EMF) consultations, EMF meter rental, and guidance regarding supplements.

However, I focus on NOT bombarding you with supplements. I do not sell supplements but am happy to recommend excellent brands. Thus, there is no conflict of interest.

Living Systems Medicine (LSM)

There are other approaches similar to or partly derived from FCT such as Living Systems Medicine (LSM), Quantum Toxicology, Intention Based Resonance Testing…among others. To keep it simple, I’m going to refer to this wellness approach as FCT. I want to focus on the approach and outcome versus the name.

Not local? No problem. Remote or distance testing for FCT, wellness & supplement consulting, and EMF consultations are available. I discuss remote testing in more detail here.

Before I delve into more detailed examples (I am a detail-oriented gal!), I want you to know this is not a “fluffy” therapy.

It’s hard-core and meaningful for chronic issues, acute issues, “weird”, and “unknown” issues. As I stated above, I am not people’s first stop. My clients most often present with multiple, complex, chronic wellness concerns and have usually tried many other things before consulting with me. The examples page will help with explaining.

Some people think they need an official diagnosis before consulting with me. This is simply not the case. My testing and assessment are the same with or without it. I often need to help people disconnect from a diagnosis. I am much more interested in hearing what you are experiencing versus a label given to you.

we're here to help!

Why Organic Wellness?

My personal experiences and background have allowed me to experience first-hand many different approaches to the body as a nurse and patient in both the allopathic and alternative worlds. Perhaps you have experienced limitations within the allopathic system (western medicine/doctor/pharmaceutical approach/functional medicine). Maybe you have sampled from the thousands of alternative modalities and holistic medicine options available. Regardless of your history, my heart is to help you discern and evaluate the various approaches.

FCT testing is unique in that it is holistic, specific to your body, protects weak areas from redistribution, supports the eliminatory system (huge!), and prioritizes (focuses on key areas, not the downstream stuff).

Watch out

Whenever you see a therapy/supplement/etc that claims to ‘cleanse’ or ‘detox’, be careful!

They are claiming to move things out of the body. Have you tested where support is needed? Are you supporting the kidneys, lymphatics, and other eliminatory parts? There is a potential to be in a worse state due to the lack of support and time to strengthen and/or unburden critical areas. I often hear stories about this from people who have undergone chelation or had amalgams (silver fillings) removed and then experienced a significant decrease in wellness.

Here are a couple of detailed examples to demonstrate what I mean:

I was testing a new client and expecting to find bone marrow signals indicated. Bone marrow is essential to address for making progress in our wellness as all our cells are formed here. Instead, energetic testing indicated her kidneys were the top priority. The kidneys are a major player in elimination. They have to be working. Without the kidneys being up to par, there is no point in addressing toxins elsewhere. We would risk stirring things up for redistribution. NOT the goal! The body knows best and the testing reflects this and respects it.

Another Example

There was a client whose main complaint was Bartonella. It is a bacterial issue also known as cat scratch disease. Her testing indicated she needed to have an acute infection addressed first and time to strengthen her endocrine system. Our endocrine system is related to our energy. Most people think of the adrenals. However, this client tested for support needed with the hypothalamus, adrenals, and adrenal cortex (all part of the endocrine system). The first goal was to assist her body in increasing her energy reserves. It would be contraindicated to ask her body to address the Bartonella when she didn’t yet possess the energy to do so.

"My Organic Wellness experience with Renee North was very positive. I felt completely “heard” as I voiced my concerns. Renee kept journal-type records and we saw improvements in the different areas that were being addressed. Her approach toward well-being can be life-changing. I highly recommend working with Renee to anyone who suffers from any malady, perhaps before spending time and energy on conventional therapies that do not get to the root of a problem. Renee is compassionate, caring, patient, and kind. She has done research, continues to learn, is well-trained, and is passionate about helping people resolve their issues by using Field Control Therapy."
Therese Schlotte
River Falls, WI

our clients

Tried, tested and trusted

“Both laymen and doctors look for the strongest thing that ‘kills’. The truth is that all [allopathic] treatments are good at killing, in a narrow sense. The lie that no one wants to speak about is that, strictly speaking, chronic infections are not killable in a broader sense, because it is the body’s immune and other multiple weaknesses that sustain chronic infections and, therefore, until weaknesses are skillfully addressed (versus just drugs or holistic medicine/natural bombardments), these infections will keep reoccurring.”

Dr. Yurkovsky, creator of Field Control Therapy

Do you have questions related to FCT?
We're here to answer

First off, I would NOT be offering this approach if it wasn’t meaningful.
That said, there is no one answer for everything but FCT provides A LOT of answers!

If someone promises you their approach is THE answer, I suggest running the other way. I can’t count how many people said their approach would work for me, yet it didn’t. Some would even blame me or say it was in my head. I will never do that do you.

There have been a small handful of people who gave FCT a fair shot and didn’t have resolution with their priority complaint. They improved in other areas with the wellness concern list, but not with what was heaviest on their heart. I do my best to steer them in a meaninful direction with the knowledge I have.
In fact, it’s not uncommon for me to reach out, even years later, if I’ve run across something that may help them. We all grow and improve. They have a special place in my heart as I know they are looking for answers.

No, I am not operating as a nurse at Organic Wellness LLC.

I do not currently see pregnant clients.
If you are breast-feeding, two appointments are needed as we will need to test mom and the baby.

Please wait to schedule until you are not doing chemotherapy.

No, I do not. These terms should only be used by your medical providers.

Don’t give up hope.

What I know is that every time one life is changed, every time one person gets even a little bit healthier or happier, the lives of everybody around that person change. In some small way, the world changes.